Thursday, September 15, 2011

Choices we make, make us [Gandhi's definition continued.]

We Indians are a busy lot. hard working worried family oriented people - and yes we are proud of it, we are proud of our culture, family values, and we also take pride in getting things done out of turn for ourselves and our kin through acquaintances, contacts. I think that's corruption. 

Next time your Dad says he can have this done quickly, refuse it. Go stand in a queue, fill forms and you will feel proud of yourself.

Well, I am sure everyone of us knows a person or two specializing in name dropping. Knowing people at important places who can get the jobs done easy and fast and they are really proud of the fact. Mine was in the college I attended.

Well why do anyone want to get a preferential treatment? why does it gives him an ego boast? Does it have anything to do with  the caste system prevalent in India since centuries? Is caste anything but the edge over other person? - by default.. just like that

Or does it have its root in 200 years British rule that makes us think the way we do? Were we always like this?

I dont really know why are we the way we are, I am sure its not good the way we are. I also know that we can change, we can change ourselves, we can change the way  we see ourselves, the way our next generations shall see us and the way we want them to see us.

And why should this be done? why not enjoy the privileges one has by virtue of his family's contacts? the answer is simple - there are no free lunches in the this world. The total remains the same.We have to pay everything back. If your work is done, someone else's is not done or is delayed.You don't cheat ever, you do n't hurt ever, but do you really don't ? Would you be happy to steal? Yes, this is corruption.

Let's do our bit.

Saying is easy, doing it is the real thing. Every time I go back to India, the first 15 days of driving on roads is a nightmare, but I drive like a role model and I get loads of honks, wicked stares (and near abuses) I get, I know what a lane is, i know honking is bad, I know what indicators are then I forget. I forget everything. or may be then I discover my real self, no truck, tempo or car can get get better of me.

But I am going to try again, at least once in every week back in India, going to drive good. Make things better for all. even if I am able to inspire one person to do the same, it will be worth it, doing it for the lifetime.

That's my way of doing good and be happy about it....... What's your's ?

What am I planning to write next about?

Why should this generation do all the work?  Clean up the mess created and left unattended by the older generations? Why cant we just let things be the way they are and carry on? 
I mean are we not supposed to be busy making our career and enjoying our lives with friends and twitting around when we are on traveling?  Eating out in restaurants and drinking beer in decent beer bars in biggest malls in asia?

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