Monday, November 14, 2011


Jordon rocks - bollywood is not full of empty heads after all. Retirement time for the likes of Farah Khan and Akshay K.IMDB Rating
All good but what about the way indian media and police was portrayed? Or was it correct? I believe that the media and police are the true reflection of society. So was the desciption correct. Ofcourse the public really liked Jordon, girls were crazy about him(both in real and reel life). 
This movie is released in  the aftermath of the (still ongoing) Anti corruption movement and in the meanwhile we also have Swami Agnevesh on indian version of big brother.
Entertainment industry playing a big role here to make an immediate and direct impact on mindset of Indian public.

Where is the Jan Lokpal bill headed? What if the promise made by government are not fulfilled. does he Indian public has the will the rise again? Will it come back and join Anna for next level of battle (RA 1 level 2 ? ).

Did you noticed that the Free Tibet flag was blurred out on(objection by China). So, this is how free we really are. This is what we are. This is not independence. This is politics, this is the price we pay avoid facing the dragon.

I could never undersand what killer version of budhism do Chinese follow. This country is never at peace with any other nation, still they follow the most peaceful religion of the world !

Gujarat's CM Modi, on his China business trip, if media reports are to be believed, stated the correct terms what Indian position regarding ongoing boundary issues, pakistan is, and it really makes me think if he can really be the next prime minister of India  and do what Sardar Patel and Indira Gandhi left behind.

Watch out for the battle royale' in UP. Maya's (metal) elephant versus the scion. May the true UP ian win.